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Experiences virtuellesNovember 27, 2019

Reveal the World Tour: Week 7 and 8 Highlights

Reveal The World Tour: Week 7 and 8 Highlights It all began…
Avatar Clare Scott

Reveal The World Tour: Week 7 and 8 Highlights

It all began with a vision. How do we bring the power of simulation to those who’ve never experienced it before? Simulation is so intricately woven into design processes that many times consumers aren’t even aware that it plays an important role in the final concept of a product. Engaging the world about how profoundly simulation impacts our everyday lives has been a dream of the SIMULIA Marketing team for some time. 

So, what does it take to turn a dream into reality? 

Courage. Determination. Resilience. Creativity. But most importantly, grit and hard work. 

We are excited and proud to have officially kicked off the Reveal the World Tour for Fall 2019. Simulation is on the road and coming to you! Check out our recap from weeks 7 and 8 of the tour below from Michele Rivard, SIMULIA Champions and Communities Specialist, Sophia Eschenfelder, SIMULIA Champions and Communities Specialist, and Lydia Zamparelli, SIMULIA Creative Lab Advocacy Marketing Specialist, all members of the trailblazing tour staff, and hear directly from students and customers at various locations about their experience on the tour. Check back each week for a new recap and for a preview of the week ahead.  

Read the week 1 recap, here

Read the week 2 recap, here.

Read the week 3 recap, here.

Read the week 4 recap, here.

Read the week 6 recap, here

Week 7 started off with a customer visit. Dymola expert Ivan Padilla gave a 30 minute presentation to the attendees, whose numbers were impressive. The trailer was parked at a great central location, in front of the entrance to the Technical Center, where no one could miss it. Once again, the driving simulator was the most popular attraction, followed by the Vive. We ended up extending the tour’s hours by one extra hour so that people who got off work by 4:00 could come.

On Day 2, visitors stayed for about 30 minutes on average, and one visitor, who drove 45 minutes to be there, stayed for over an hour. We were able to customize this visit to be IE focused. We only used one of the Z-Spaces and had looping presentations running on the other Z-Space. We also had a 3D printed excavator located behind the Simulator.

Week 8 began at the University of Minnesota. Most people spent at least 30 minutes in the trailer, and we were able to get brief video statements from two attendees. One student, an enthusiastic Abaqus user, even left her CV. Incidentally, Bernie Sanders was holding a rally nearby, and we invited him via Twitter to attend. He couldn’t make it, but it was exciting to be nearby during his visit.

Another customer visit followed on Day 2, and attendance was high. The event was promoted well internally, and we had great visibility in the parking lot. We focused on Consumer Package Goods, Life Sciences and Additive Manufacturing, and it was very helpful to have sales people with a technical background on board. The VR experiences were a major draw; there were many conversations about the Living Heart model. Many people hadn’t realized that such things could be done with VR. Besides several of our users, we also saw numerous designers interested in how simulation could benefit their work practices.

Day 3 saw additional enthusiastic visitors. People took the time to try out everything; we focused on Life Sciences and Additive Manufacturing, and the Living Heart model was very popular.

We had a great team dynamic in Week 8, with team members from several different office locations coming together to make the event successful. We had dinner together in the evenings and even went to a Minnesota Timberwolves game. Everyone was very reliable and well-prepared.

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