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Experiences virtuellesNovember 20, 2019

Reveal the World Tour: Week 6 Highlights

Reveal The World Tour: Week 6 Highlights It all began with a…
Avatar Clare Scott

Reveal The World Tour: Week 6 Highlights

It all began with a vision. How do we bring the power of simulation to those who’ve never experienced it before? Simulation is so intricately woven into design processes that many times consumers aren’t even aware that it plays an important role in the final concept of a product. Engaging the world about how profoundly simulation impacts our everyday lives has been a dream of the SIMULIA Marketing team for some time. 

So, what does it take to turn a dream into reality? 

Courage. Determination. Resilience. Creativity. But most importantly, grit and hard work. 

We are excited and proud to have officially kicked off the Reveal the World Tour for Fall 2019. Simulation is on the road and coming to you! Check out our recap from week 6 of the tour below from Megan Schmidt, SIMULIA Champions and Communities Specialist, and member of the trailblazing tour staff, and hear directly from students and customers at various locations about their experience on the tour. Check back each week for a new recap and for a preview of the week ahead.  

Read the week 1 recap, here

Read the week 2 recap, here.

Read the week 3 recap, here.

Read the week 4 recap, here.

We started this week at the University of Cincinnati, where David Martin kicked off Day One with a presentation to students inside the engineering building. By the time the presentation finished at 10 AM, several students were eagerly waiting to be let inside the trailer, which was parked at a great central location – right in front of the engineering building, next to the rec center and cafeteria. We were also near the accounting building, so we had a good number of business students visit. A few downpours around lunch didn’t stop students from visiting; this was actually our busiest time of day.

The driving simulator was the most popular attraction; Lori kept track of the fastest drivers for a while but then stopped as too many of them were crashing. We benefited more from having them test with and without ABS and experience the tire imbalance, as it teaches the value of simulation and virtual prototyping.

On Day Two, we visited a biomedical company, where we were able to customize the displays to be a bit more biology-focused. We showed Living Heart with the Google Viewers, the Living Brain on the Zspaces, the Human Shoulder on the AR Hololens and the Operating Room experience on the Vive headset. The Operating Room was always occupied! We had a steady flow of foot traffic, with visitors spending an average of 20 minutes inside.

Day Three took us to another customer, where visitors stayed for an average of about half an hour. We were able to customize this visit to what these (mostly) engineers were doing. We showed perfect packaging videos on both the entrance screen and back presentation monitors. We had the bottle drop experiences on both the Zspace and Hololens and had the Vive set up with an interactive shopping space.

Day Four, at Miami University of Ohio, was by far the busiest day, with nonstop traffic. We were set up in front of the engineering and computer science building, so we got a lot of engineering students, though several psychology majors also enjoyed the Living Brain and Heart demos. Again, the driving simulator was the most popular. We also received several visits from alumni, as the visit was promoted and worked into the agenda of the yearly Alumni Board meeting nearby.

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