SustainabilityOctober 15, 2021

It’s #ClimateActionDay

The Science Based Targets initiative – SBTi – and its Business Ambition…
Avatar Alyssa Ross

The Science Based Targets initiative – SBTi – and its Business Ambition for 1.5 degrees campaign have declared today, October 15, as #ClimateActionDay. 

As a member, Dassault Systèmes is proud to stand up and share what we are doing to protect our planet. You can read about our specific goals in a blog post from June – Science-based targets for a Science-based company – as well as on our website.

Along with the 900+ other companies that comprise this campaign, on this #ClimateActionDay we are calling out to companies who have not yet set 1.5°C targets to do so by aligning with climate science. We are also asking organizations and governments to provide more incentives for these companies to set science-based targets, and to create policies that bolster the transition to a net-zero economy. The timing is important: in a few weeks world leaders will come together for both the G20 Summit in Rome (October 30-31) and the COP26 conference in Glasgow (October 23 – November 12) to make decisions that will impact planning to manage climate change.

COP26 in particular represents a crucial opportunity to secure the future of humankind and prevent environmental catastrophes. Our goal is to use our collective voice ahead of this major milestone to encourage policy makers to deliver climate protection decisions. We are proud to be taking action to align global temperatures with 1.5°C targets and strongly encourage our peers in the business sector to do the same.

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