Company NewsApril 16, 2020

Rising to Meet the Challenges of COVID-19

In times of crisis, rapid innovations are often driven by powerful forces…
Avatar Meaghan Murphy

In times of crisis, rapid innovations are often driven by powerful forces coming together to solve global issues. Currently the entire world is dealing with the primary and secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are unprecedented challenges with many uncertainties about what lies ahead. Yet at the same time countless individuals and organizations have risen to the occasion. Below are just a few of the new projects driven by Dassault Systèmes to meet the challenges of COVID-19.

Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Lab OPEN COVID-19 Community Uses Sneeze Simulation to Support PPE Design

After this none of us may ever look at a sneeze the same way again. When someone sneezes, mucus droplets are expelled through the nose and mouth at about 100 miles per hour. So it’s not surprising that sneezing is one of the many ways that pathogens like COVID-19 can spread. To help find solutions in the design of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Dassault Systèmes launched the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab OPEN COVID-19 community open to the public. Collaborative efforts are underway to incorporate simulation faces of a shielded individual. The results can be used to benefit the doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and others on the front lines.

Inali Develops Smart Ventilator for COVID-19 Pandemic in Eight Days with Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Lab Open Innovation Community

One of the most critical pieces of medical equipment needed to treat COVID-19 patients with the worst symptoms are ventilators. Seeing an urgent need, Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Lab supported the Indian startup Inali in their rapid development of a smart ventilator that could be quickly manufactured and deployed. With the number of cases rising in India, ventilators and the imported parts needed to manufacture them are at risk of being in short supply. Inali’s ventilator was designed to be manufactured locally using readily available parts, but the 3DEXPERIENCE platform offered the benefit of international collaboration and the application of collective intelligence. In fact, the development took less than eight days, and Inali will publish the complete smart ventilator design as open-source information so that people all over the world can access the schematics if they want to manufacture the model in their area.

3DEXPERIENCE Lab Open Innovation Initiatives Aim to Quickly Deliver Solutions in Fight Against COVID-19

With many companies and startups seeking to respond to COVID-19, Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Lab has launched multiple initiatives. Startups with a focus on developing COVID-19 solutions are being evaluated by a 3DEXPERIENCE Lab committee for fast-track acceleration. More and more engineers, designers, manufacturers, scientists, makers and fabbers are taking advantage of the tools provided by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform during this crisis. Via the cloud, the platform has been facilitating online collaboration and enabling 3D printing of essential parts, masks, and ventilators. For faster manufacturing, projects using the 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace have been able to connect with local production to meet the urgent needs of hospitals. Dassault Systèmes also sponsors open challenges worldwide by providing the SOLIDWORKS xDesign online environment to help teams rapidly develop solutions.

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