December 7, 2020


Whittle 4.7.4 Released. In keeping with our efforts to provide our maintenance…

Whittle 4.7.4 Released.

In keeping with our efforts to provide our maintenance support members with timely software updates, we are pleased to release a maintenance release of Whittle 4.7.4.

Highlights include:

  • You can now import SDM and OMF triangulated surfaces in the Import Surfaces
  • For large projects, you can now delete generated files on a selected node or branch without deleting files on other nodes.
  • The Three-D Viewer now displays correct world and local coordinates for a block. The values displayed in the Info
  • You can now correctly merge two models that contain multiple dependent expressions and create a correct parameters file.
  • Long expressions are now correctly saved in the output file after merging pit shells.

And more…

For detailed information, please download the document.

Whittle 4.7.4 is provided complimentary as part of the GEOVIA Maintenance and Support Program subscription and can be downloaded through the dedicated download service from the 3DS Support Site. 

More Information:

For more information on GEOVIA Solutions and Services, please contact your local GEOVIA office.

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