GEMS 6.8.4 Released |
In keeping with our efforts to provide our maintenance support members with timely software updates, we are pleased to release a maintenance release of GEMS 6.8.4.
Highlights include:
- New caving features:
- Create a floating colour profile legend
- New sector field in PCSLC Tunnel Workspaces
- Caving Improvements to:
- PCSLC SIC, TTL, TM3D and VOLS tools
- PCBC Production Scheduler
- Excel operations
- Support for SQL Server 2019
- Auto-populate triangulation names
- Retain solid and surface names of GEOVIA SDM files
- Various aspects in Caving Maintenance
Fixed issues:
- Solids with invalid triangulation names that were incorrectly exported
- Decimal values that could not be entered on the Extend By Segment dialog
- The Alternate Polyline Colours by Plane function which displayed polylines in grey
- Changes that were not retained on the Linked-File Options dialog
And more…
For detailed information, please download the document.
GEMS is provided complimentary as part of the GEOVIA Maintenance and Support Program subscription and can be downloaded through the dedicated download service from the 3DS Support Site.
More Information:
For more information on GEOVIA Solutions and Services, please contact your local GEOVIA office.
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