ManufacturingMay 16, 2024

What is MRO?

Are you new to the manufacturing, operations or supply chain sector? A recent hire or student? Or maybe you’re someone who simply wants a refresh on the basics of the industry. If so, then you’ll want to read DELMIA’s new blog series, amply titled, “Back to Basics.” The series focuses on a myriad of topics, answering the most basic of questions. Check it out!
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What is maintenance repair and overhaul?

The term MRO stands for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul although some professionals also refer to it as Maintenance, Repair and Operations.

So, what exactly is MRO and why do we need it? MRO represents a series of activities and processes that are necessary for an organization’s day-to-day operations. It is more than tending to physical assets, although that is a big part of it. It also includes inventory control, asset management, and supply chain planning—areas that contribute to productivity overall. A good MRO program ensures all of the necessary resources for operations are well-maintained, functional and available.

Achieving operational efficiency

MRO is critical in staying operationally efficient. How? By addressing its core areas and enabling fast decision-making.  

The 3 areas making up MRO are:

  • Maintenance: This involves routine tasks aimed at keeping equipment, machinery, and infrastructure in optimal working condition. It includes preventive measures to avoid possible issues and downtime.
  • Repair: Corrective activities are set in place in order to ensure any equipment or machinery in need of repair are fully functioning.
  • Overhaul: A comprehensive refurbishment of equipment or machinery is done in order to restore the systems in place to their original or ‘like new’ state.

MRO is critical in order to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure smooth uninterrupted operations. It helps optimize the utilization of equipment, tools, and activities associated with daily operations, including business operations and supporting technicians. By optimizing maintenance procedures, addressing repairs, and putting procedures in place, operational efficiency can be achieved and maintained.   

Understanding MRO in various industries

While MRO is common in a variety of industries, the specific details vary significantly. For example, take manufacturing. MRO here will typically include tasks like maintaining and overhauling the production line equipment. This allows the operators to respond effectively to disruptions and utilize resources efficiently. The goal is to ultimately have a working and efficient operation of the infrastructure to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.

MRO in aerospace, however, usually focuses on the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of the aircraft itself and its components. This can include engine repair, avionics updates, and even complete overhaul for the reliability and safety of every flight.

There is a common thread throughout. In all industries, an effective MRO will have these things in common. It will:

  • Optimize the use of resources
  • Minimize downtime
  • Maximize the lifespan of assets
  • Ensure safety and regulatory compliance

Where to learn more about MRO products:

Go to our DELMIA Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul page for additional details

Contact us here to get started.

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