Company NewsJune 26, 2018

A Farnborough Preview: Technology Marvels and More from Dassault Systèmes

The anticipation builds as we prepare to head to the small town…
Avatar David Ziegler

The anticipation builds as we prepare to head to the small town in southern England to host and meet with leaders in aerospace and and other industries. The Farnborough International Airshow is a unique opportunity that only comes around every two years and the first airshow for me representing Dassault Systèmes since I joined at the beginning of the year. I look forward to seeing the accomplishments of the industry – many by our customers – soaring above the airfield. My team and I look forward to meeting with many of those customers, and future ones, to reveal our capabilities that help aviation and other companies develop new ways of working to be successful in the Industry Renaissance.

Innovation and the Industry Renaissance

What is the next logical progression beyond the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, or Manufacturing 4.0? Enabling technologies for improving manufacturing and to a lesser degree, product development, have been in the news for some time. The next logical progression, the Industry Renaissance, takes hold in aerospace and defense with the next generation of connected, autonomous and sustainable programs. Change like these bring new challenges to solve. Questions emerge such as:

  • How can companies incorporate new technology to drive cost out and accelerate innovation?
  • How do you deliver agility in rate as opposed to simply increased rate?
  • How quickly might suppliers become active drivers in a value network?
  • How will industry equip and train the next generation workforce?

As real and virtual worlds inform and reinforce one another, every aspect of industrial business is impacted. Our customers seek to reinvent traditional product development and manufacturing with new ways of working, inventing, learning, and producing. At the center of the transformation, the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform serves as the catalyst to enable and accelerate the Industry Renaissance.

New Thrills in Advanced Product Development and Manufacturing

Showcasing what’s new on the platform and in our industry solution experiences and brand applications will reveal new opportunities for companies. See demonstrations of the latest technology from functional driven generative design and augmented reality for the future factory to full spectrum Electromagnetic Simulation and other simulation options for advanced product development.  While our products don’t soar through the air, the featured demonstrations in our playground offers visitors thrilling new insights to what is possible.

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) developed at the 3DEXPERIENCE Center Wichita, is a project with the Wichita State University’s National Institute for Aviation Research.

Focus on Farnborough

In addition to the playground, check out the excitement we plan for our chalet visitors:

  • Trend Setters & Innovators – What’s on the horizon for the 3DEXPERIENCE Center Network of innovation centers? Featured: highlights of the Centers (both in Wichita, Kansas, U.S. and Hamburg, Germany) and the Center projects that reveal progress in this Industry Renaissance. Plus, the first ever look at the new dedicated solution on the cloud designed for Light Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle start-ups. Check out Tony Velocci’s thought provoking blog post about this next disruption in aviation.
  • Innovation in 84 days – With the goal to reinvent its innovation process, Airbus went from concept to a full scale functioning prototype in just 84 days. Find out how they did it working with Dassault Systèmes and our partners at the 3DEXPERIENCE Center Wichita. See a scaled model of Thrust Reverser Unit and results of the work from teams in Toulouse, France, Los Angeles, California, and Mobile, Alabama  @Airbus  @WichitaState
  • Future Factory and the role of Additive Manufacturing – What role will Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing play in the Future Factory for industry leaders like Airbus and BOEING as well Tiered suppliers? Additive Manufacturing partnerships and new ways of working will be featured with our customers / partners:
    • Tier 1 Additive Manufacturing supplier, Morf3D, CEO Ivan Madera will introduce the path to the process of going from Powder to Certified Production Part @Morf3D @Ivan
    • Ecco Shoes demonstrating the delivery of mass personalization, or production of one, with an on-site process for individualized, 3D printed mid-soles @eccoshoes
  • Supplier to value network / Executive Roundtable on Manufacturing Agility – What new ways will OEMs and the value network accelerate efficiency and capacity to meet OEM delivery targets, profitably? There are a few seats left. Email if you are interested in joining the conversation. We look forward to welcoming these special guests:
    • Ivan Madera, CEO Morf3D, a 3D Printing tier-1 supplier focused on aerospace & defense applications. Boeing HorizonX Ventures was a co-leading investor in May. Based in El Segundo, California, 3DMorf has been producing 3-D-printed aluminium and titanium components for Boeing satellites and helicopters since its founding in 2015. Morf3D is a Dassault Systèmes customer and part of the 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace supplier value network. @Morf3d
    • Marc Saunders, Director Global Solutions, Renishaw – an Additive Manufacturer focused on accelerating adoption of additive manufacturing (metal 3D printing) for aerospace and other industries including Life Science. They are a long-time partner and customer of Dassault Systemes. @RenishawUK
    • Tony Velocci, retired Editor-in-Chief of Aviation Week & Space Technology and Editorial Director, Aviation Week Group – Very engaged in the aerospace industry as an advisor, speaker and frequent writer on everything from Additive Manufacturing, to aviation and profiles of business leaders like Allan Mulally for Compass, the 3DEXPERIENCE Magazine and the Navigate the Future  Tony is on the National Aeronautic Association board among many other industry associations.
    • Workforce of the Future: leveraging STEM, Academics and Continuous Learning – What key trends in engineering education and new and innovative initiatives does Dassault Systèmes support cultivating talent and helping companies in this Industry Renaissance? How does the aerospace and defense industry ensure that today’s workforce has ongoing opportunities for training and development in order to acquire the range of skills required by enterprises today?

It’s our passion to partner with our customers as they drive new projects, programs and innovation. Join us during Farnborough. Explore answers to YOUR questions on what the Industry Renaissance means for your business.

IF companies remove barriers to innovation

WE will drive an Industry Renaissance through new ways of working.

Farnborough International Air Show aerial displays and technology always thrill.

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