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Company NewsMarch 25, 2022

A powerful learning tool: the virtual twin

The University of Adelaide gives its engineering students access to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to support the workforce of the future.
Avatar Lindsay James

Hands-on learning is proven to be far more effective at helping students understand what they’ve been taught. Done right, it also better equips them for the workplace.

This is one of the primary reasons why the University of Adelaide gives its engineering students access to state-of-the-art high-performance design solutions that are both compelling to use and industry practice.

The university chose Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform because of its powerful, comprehensive capabilities that will help its students to get the most out of their studies.

The platform is being used in a variety of ways. For example, as part of a final Honours project, a student team led by Jessica Evans relied on it heavily to create an innovative autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) as a virtual twin.

Evans, who went on to graduate in mechanical engineering, said she benefited greatly from the RFLP (Requirements, Functional, Logical and Physical)-based framework in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. This supports end-to-end system engineering processes and linked the physical assembly of her AUV design to its product function via a unified system definition.

The implementation of Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform is expected to help students not only cope in the modern engineering environment, but to thrive.

“We have graduates going into civil space, marine and offshore, green energy, resources, automotive and consulting, and also defense,” said David Harvey, the university’s director of digital and systems engineering. “All of them need to be proficient in digital skills. Many of the employers across these sectors are also looking for graduates who can help them digitally transform.”

Ultimatly, the platform also facilitates collaborative work across a range of additional courses and projects. Damien Leclercq, director of partnerships and engagement at the university, added that the use of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is garnering attention from local businesses. According to him, “it’s certainly opening up key industry connections. And it’s also opening up further project opportunities too.”

Learn more here about how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is being used at the University of Adelaide, which has the highest number of users of all 3DEXPERIENCE implementations in the region.

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