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December 9, 2021

What’s Coming Up in Abaqus 2022

We’re living in the age of innovation, an exciting and challenging time…
Avatar Katie Corey

We’re living in the age of innovation, an exciting and challenging time for manufacturers as they race to deliver new products to market. Challenges include globalization, shrinking budgets, and shorter development cycles. So, to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, manufacturers are leveraging the robust capabilities of realistic simulation to help lessen dependency on physical testing, increase product reliability, and reduce time to market. The Abaqus Unified FEA product suite offers a complete solution for realistic structural simulation covering both routine and advanced workflows across a range of industrial applications. The Abaqus 2022 release contains a number of important new features and improvements, as well as several smaller changes and enhancements. Below is a summary of some of these new features:

Abaqus/CAE is a Complete Abaqus Environment that allows users to quickly and efficiently create, edit, monitor, diagnose, and visualize advanced Abaqus analyses. The intuitive interface integrates modeling, analysis, job management, and results visualization in a consistent, easy-to-use environment that is simple to learn for new users, yet highly productive for experienced users. Abaqus/CAE supports familiar interactive computer-aided engineering concepts such as feature-based, parametric modeling, interactive and scripted operation, and user interface customization.

Abaqus/Standard employs solution technology that is ideal for simulating static and low-speed dynamic events where highly accurate solutions are critically important. Examples include sealing pressure in a gasket joint, steady-state rolling of a tire, or crack propagation in a composite airplane fuselage.

Abaqus/Explicit employs solution technology that is particularly well-suited to simulating short duration transient dynamic events such as consumer electronics drop testing, automotive crashworthiness, and ballistic impact. The ability of Abaqus/Explicit to robustly handle severe nonlinear behavior such as contact makes it very attractive for the simulation of many quasi-static events, such as sheet metal forming or slow crushing of energy absorbing devices.

The Abaqus/CAE environment fully supports Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit for all common modeling and visualization needs.


  • Increase product reliability and reduce warranty costs.
  • Significantly reduce physical testing.
  • Avoid costly late cycle product re-designs.
  • Increase engineering productivity.


  • Robust implicit nonlinear analysis procedures including stress-displacement, direct integration structural dynamics, heat transfer, thermal stress, pore fluid diffusion, and more.
  • Efficient explicit dynamics solver that includes mass scaling, selective subcycling, Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) modeling, smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and discrete element method (DEM).
  • State-of-the-art linear dynamics framework that includes high performance eigensolvers, transient dynamics, steady-state dynamics, random response, and response spectrum procedures.
  • Comprehensive library of materials for modeling metals, polymers, composites, concretes, soils, biological tissues, and more.
  • Easy-to-use general contact capability for modeling complex interactions between large assemblies of parts.
  • Specialized analysis techniques including submodeling, substructuring, matrix generation & usage, restart hydrostatic fluid cavities, inertia relief, progressive element activation, solution mapping, and adaptive remeshing.
  • High-performance solvers that have been optimized to minimize simulation turnaround time on modern multi-core compute environments including GPU acceleration.

What’s New

Structural Mechanics

  • The LaRC05 damage initiation criteria for fiber-reinforced composites is now available in Abaqus/Standard.
  • The Hosford-Coulomb damage initiation criteria for ductile metals is now available in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
  • The Valanis-Landel hyperelastic material model to analyze rubber-like materials is now available in Abaqus/Standard.
  • Band-limited damping in Abaqus/Explicit allows you to apply a desired uniform damping ratio over a specified frequency range.
  • Distortion control is now available for the C3D10 element in Abaqus/Explicit.
  • Distributions to specify layer thicknesses for composite solid elements and use wedge (triangular prism) elements with a composite solid section definition.

Analysis Techniques

  • You can now use the cyclic symmetry analysis technique in Abaqus/Explicit to reduce simulation time and memory requirement.
  • Abaqus/Standard now enables running multiple nonlinear load cases from within a single job. This new capability significantly reduces run time and the number of output files compared to running multiple jobs.
  • The import capability has been extended to allow transfer of nodal temperatures and user-defined field variables between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
  • The extended finite element method (XFEM) now supports procedures with temperature degrees-of-freedom.
  • Implicit dynamic analysis in Abaqus/Standard now supports adjoint sensitivities with respect to topology, shell thickness, and lattice sizing design variables.

Modeling and Visualization

  • Abaqus/CAE now provides a tool remove selected data from an odb which can significantly reduce file size.
  • CATIA V5 geometry can now be directly imported on the Linux platform.
  • SOLIDWORKS assemblies can now be imported as multiple parts.
  • User control over shear flow visualization has been improved.
  • Abaqus/CAE now supports small-sliding general contact in Abaqus/Standard
  • Abaqus/CAE now supports analytical fields when defining composite ply thickness distributions.

Performance and HPC

  • You can now execute Abaqus/Explicit in hybrid mode using a combination of MPI and threads with each MPI process launching a user-specified number of threads. Hybrid execution takes advantage of the Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architecture and the trend of increasing the number of cores available on each socket.
  • The iterative linear equation solver in Abaqus/Standard now supports common modeling features including hybrid elements, connector elements, distributing couplings, and hard contact.
  • Parallel scaling of linear static simulations with a large number of load cases has been significantly improved.

Learn more about the new features in Abaqus 2022 in the on-demand Abaqus 2022 Tech Talk webinar.

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