Workforce of the futureJanuary 23, 2020

Tips and Tricks: Installing Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight and Tosca 2020 (Plus Documentation Install!)

Our users have spoken! In an effort to provide more technical content…
Avatar Katie Corey

Our users have spoken! In an effort to provide more technical content and answer the most common questions using our software, we’re kicking off a new blog series, Tips and Tricks.  We asked Sandy Eyl, a Senior Technical Specialist in the SIMULIA Training group, some questions about how to download and install the 2020 media for new releases.

Why do users contact SIMULIA technical support? Is this adding more detail to an existing KnowledgeBase article?

Users contact SIMULIA technical support to ask about how to install the 2020 version of our Extended Products software (Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight, and/or Tosca for instance) and about how to install the documentation. We think it’ll be helpful if users can just Google the answer. You can also find an answer in our Knowledge Base: QA00000065080.

Can you describe the tip for us? 

It is assumed in the video that the user has already logged in to and downloaded the installation media available from SIMULIA → SIMULIA Abaqus, Isight, fe-safe, Tosca → Release: Abaqus 2020 → Level: Abaqus 2020 Golden: SIMULIA Abaqus Extended Products (Abaqus, Isight, Tosca and fe-safe and Documentation) – Abaqus 2020 Golden – AllOS.

The steps in the installer are similar for both Windows and Linux, the example in the video is an install of all of the established products on Windows: Abaqus, Isight, Tosca and fe-safe.

The video SIMULIA Documentation Installation 2020 with EXALEAD shows how to use the same installer to optionally install the documentation. These installations are presented separately because this install is typically performed on a separate system, and only for sites with access to an EXALEAD CloudView license.

What are the key demo goals? What are you trying to illustrate through this demo?

Users should know that when there are multiple archives (or *.tar files) in a download that the recommended utility to extract them is a free utility called 7zip. Each *.tar file contains files in the same folder structure, so extracting them to the same directory, for instance using 7zip → Extract Here (or 7zip → Extract Files… to select the directory) results in just one folder.

The video SIMULIA Extended Product Installation 2020 makes the assumption that you already have access to a server running the DSLS license server with the appropriate number of extended tokens. This is why the example license server (dsls2sim:4085) is used as an example.  In this example the port used is 4085. Read more about DS License Server on (see below for details).

The video SIMULIA Documentation Installation 2020 with EXALEAD requires a CloudView base port and license file path, and an administrator’s password. Users without CloudView licenses can still access SIMULIA documentation on (see below for details).

Since the download is an installer for all four products, on all supported operating systems, the user must download four separate *.tar files (about 3 GB each) but it’s not always clear what to do next.

The video SIMULIA Extended Product Installation 2020 shows how to extract the four downloaded files to the same directory (using Windows):

  • AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.1-4.tar
  • AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.2-4.tar
  • AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.3-4.tar
  • AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.4-4.tar

Linux users, extract all 4 *.tar files to the same directory

To install on a Windows system, use the extracted files to find:


Right-click on setup.exe and select Run as Administrator.

To install on a Linux system, you will need to be logged in as the admin. Then run either:

./2020.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS/1/ (GUI installer)

./2020.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS/1/ (Text installer)

Right-click on setup.exe and select Run as Administrator. The steps in the video show you how to install the established products simultaneously: Abaqus, Isight, Tosca and fe-safe.

The second video SIMULIA Documentation Installation 2020 with EXALEAD shows how to use the same installer to optionally install the documentation. These installations are presented separately because this install is typically performed on a separate system, and only for sites with access to an EXALEAD CloudView license.

What are the key demo goals? What are you trying to illustrate through this demo?

Users should know that when there are multiple archives (or *.tar files) in a download that the recommended utility to extract them is a free utility called 7zip. Each *.tar file contains files in the same folder structure, so extracting them to the same directory, for instance using 7zip → Extract Here (or 7zip → Extract Files… to select the directory) results in just one folder.

The video SIMULIA Extended Product Installation 2020 makes the assumption that you already have access to a server running the DSLS license server with the appropriate number of extended tokens. This is why the example license server (dsls2sim:4085) is used as an example.  In this example the port used is 4085. Read more about DS License Server on (see below for details).

The video SIMULIA Documentation Installation 2020 with EXALEAD requires a CloudView base port and license file path, and an administrator’s password. Users without CloudView licenses can still access SIMULIA documentation on (see below for details).

Which SIMULIA solutions (products, roles, etc.) did you use?

Abaqusfe-safeIsightTosca and related documentation for the 2020 extended products release.

Users should know that at 2020: Abaqus, fe-safe and Tosca were organized into a new program group in the Windows Start Menu called Dassault Systemes SIMULIA Established Products 2020, while Isight is still organized in a program group called Dassault Systemes SIMULIA Isight 2020:

Note that sometimes Established Products (those traditional products licensed through extended token licensing) are interchangeably called Extended Products – no need for worry, it means Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight, and Tosca in either case.

How can a user access the documentation online?

Users without a local installation of the documentation can still access SIMULIA documentation on by logging in with their 3DEXPERIENCE ID.

Once you have logged in to and after selecting Version: 2020 SIMULIA → Language: English → SIMULIA Established Products (Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight and Tosca) the Installation Guide is shown under Installation, Licensing & Configuration → SIMULIA Installation:

In our documentation, please know that these Extended Products (Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight and Tosca) are also referred to as Established Products.

*Please note: CloudView licenses can be requested free by the same method used to get the extended token licenses.

SIMULIA offers an advanced simulation product portfolio, including AbaqusIsightfe-safeToscaSimpoe-MoldSIMPACK, CST Stuido Suite, XFlow, PowerFLOW and more. The SIMULIA Learning Community is the place to find the latest resources for SIMULIA software and to collaborate with other users. The key that unlocks the door of innovative thinking and knowledge building, the SIMULIA Learning Community provides you with the tools you need to expand your knowledge, whenever and wherever.

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