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Design & SimulationNovember 9, 2018

Senses and Sensibility: Putting the Consumer at the Center of Simulation and Design

by Michael Plishka, Consumer Goods, Consumer Packaged Goods & Retail Industry Solutions…
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by Michael Plishka, Consumer Goods, Consumer Packaged Goods & Retail Industry Solutions Experience Senior Manger, Dassault Systèmes

When your business depends on the whims of the consumer, it’s imperative to keep individuals at the center of your product-design mindset. Whether you make furniture, clothing, appliances, sports equipment, toys—or whatever hot new item people suddenly decide they want—today’s consumer is no longer satisfied with a “one-size-fits-all” approach. They want customization, personalization, the freedom to choose how their purchase will look and feel to them alone. The more responsive you can be to those needs, the more successful you will be in meeting them—or even anticipating the “next best thing” and innovating ahead of your competition.

Computer modeling and simulation have risen to this challenge with powerful software, high-performance hardware, and ease-of-use tools that enable design engineers to create products and services that are more consumer-centric. Manufacturers who don’t take advantage of these resources risk falling behind in the time-cost-quality race that determines marketplace winners.

How things have—and haven’t—changed in product design

In the past, when the consumer was picking something “off the rack”—anything from a pair of shoes to a pair of contact lenses—they’d have to be content with a set range of sizes from which to find the closest-possible fit. But today’s advancements in simulation, material science, and production technology enable us to work that process in reverse. We can start from the consumer standpoint: what are their individual desires in terms of comfort, durability, experience and so on?—and then tailor the design, the materials, even the manufacturing process to hit that mark more accurately.

This is where a collaborative digital platform can play a key role. Dassault Systèmes’ portfolio of realistic simulation capabilities is the broadest and most powerful in the industry, with multiphysics expertise that extends from shape, visualization and rendering (sight) to acoustics (hearing), to chemistry (taste and smell) to the full scope of physical properties (touch).

A platform for consumer-driven design

Whether your company creates furniture, hand-tools, sports equipment, watches, shoes, or other consumer products, the digital twins on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform can provide you with a powerful arsenal of resources for anticipating human sensing and reaction as you innovate in the face of ever-changing consumer demand. In much the same way that the human brain automatically integrates the five senses as you go about your daily life, our platform integrates and manages whatever capabilities you need to realize your consumer-centric product design and development goals.

Visit Perfect Consumer Product solution webpage for more details.

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