Virtual ExperienceMarch 13, 2019

2019 Community of Experts (COE) Academic Summary

2019 marked the second year of an academic path at Community Of…
Avatar David Martin

2019 marked the second year of an academic path at Community Of Experts of Dassault Systemes Solutions (COE) and by all measures it was a huge success. Academic attendance nearly doubled to 121 students, professors, and school administrators. In addition to the six schools from the New Orleans metropolitan area, schools from across the country were represented. Student attendance was supported by (20) $1,000 travel scholarships that were provided by the COE organization.

Thanks to the SIMULIA Marketing team, COE was able to double the funding for the Dr. David M. Aber ePoster Scholarship Program from $3k to $6k and allowed the establishment of both an undergraduate and graduate division. Due to its history, the COE event has a strong CATIA presence with many auto and aero applications. However the submissions for the ePoster program were  distributed well across several DS brands and industries.

Most of the ePoster submissions for the graduate division leveraged Abaqus to perform ground breaking research and I am sure the judges on the COE committee were challenged by the task of selecting the top two. In the end Lance Frazer, representing University of Kansas, won the top prize for his work modeling a novel treatment for subchondral bone cysts. Patrick Walgren, representing Texas A&M, won second prize for his work designing bending cylinders.

The undergraduate division was equally competitive with the team from Vaughn University winning the top prize for their CATIA Smart Drone. This project also highlighted the ability to use multiple brands with some mechanical components designed using Solidworks. Shawan Ejay, from City College of New York, won second prize for his work modeling a PlayStation 3 controller in Solidworks. You can view all of the amazing posters on the COE website:

In addition to the ePoster contest students had the opportunity to network with engineers from P&G, Boeing, Textron, Parker and many other companies that are using Dassault Systemes solutions, and also at the Techfair exhibits the students got to experience what is possible with the latest technology.

See a summary of the winners and their submissions, below:

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