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Experiences virtuellesJuly 7, 2021

VIRTUAL TWIN MATURITY MODEL: a foundation built on data

In the first of our five-part series, we discuss Data Federation, which…
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In the first of our five-part series, we discuss Data Federation, which collects the most precious raw material for the future of mining that lies scattered and hidden throughout each organization: data and information.

Why a virtual mine? Why bother going to the trouble of collecting and analyzing oceans of data to create a virtual twin of unpredictable geology, large-scale infrastructure, complex processing streams, extensive networks of fixed and mobile assets and human resources that already do the work of supplying actual raw materials from the earth?

Because in the real world, mining is both difficult and expensive. Companies cannot afford to be inefficient. Mining executives know this, and they have been talking for years about the huge operational efficiencies digital transformation (DX) promises. How to do it is the question.

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