SustainabilityMay 10, 2021

Responding to Resource Depletion

Accelerating Sustainability in Mining: Responding to Resource Depletion.       Mining…

Accelerating Sustainability in Mining: Responding to Resource Depletion.

Mining companies are under pressure to extract every last atom of metal as efficiently and sustainably as possible. New discoveries have slowed. If we continue on the current path, mining’s social licence to operate will continue to be eroded too, rendering mineral deposits unmineable due to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. Can we change the way we work to fix both issues by designing mines that extract more metal more efficiently and more sustainably?

Metal mining provides the raw materials society needs for modern life, particularly the metals needed to support society’s shift toward low-carbon technologies. These materials are not infinite, and mines extract metals much faster than the earth can replenish them by natural processes, making metal mining inherently unsustainable.

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