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December 17, 2020

How to incorporate existing production schedule with LOM Study

  MineSched is a block scheduler that could range from short term…
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MineSched is a block scheduler that could range from short term – LOM schedule.

A common practice for Tactical Mine Planners is to do the Life of Mine Plan and break it into short-medium term schedule. However, there are some instances when we have an existing production schedule and we would like to incorporate this to a Life of Mine study.

In this article, we would use as an example an existing Underground production schedule and incorporate it into a LOM schedule.

Since the production schedule already exists and we already know how much is to be mined every period, whether daily, weekly or monthly, then there’s probably multiple ways we could incorporate that into a LOM study.

Among the options are these two:

  1. Setting up a stockpile per period in MineSched that is given balance and a resource that mines 100% of the material each period. The stockpile balance will represent the UG material mined each period. This could potentially generate too many locations depending on the period we use as relative to the LOM, but there’s no reason it should not work.
  2. Create a vertical model with one block per level, the block mass would represent the UG production and with proper set-up in MineSched, you could restrict mining to one block per period only.

This blog will focus on the second option which is to use a vertical block model by following these steps:

STEP 1: Create a csv with with the field Y, X, Z, Material Class, Block Volume, Volume Factor, Adjusted Volume, Density, Block Mass, Adjusted Mass, and at least one grade attribute

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