September 12, 2021

Review and Report Design Issues using Interference Check and 3D Markup Dashboard Apps

Conducting an efficient and effective digital mock-up review is important aspect of…
Avatar prasadrajput

Conducting an efficient and effective digital mock-up review is important aspect of the design development process. However, for many stakeholders in the design review process, it is often challenging to have direct and real-time access to the design issues and reviews. Therefore, the issues are often reviewed outside the formal review process, which results in the incorrect resolutions, rework and reduced efficiency.

The Digital Mockup Review Manager (RED) role contains dashboard apps that can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, and on any device using the web browser. You can seamlessly visualize and analyze product interference simulations and also collaborate on the design issues early in the design development process.

Reviewing design interferences and inconsistencies, reporting issues and changes require effective collaboration between various stakeholders. Depending on the severity of the issue, time available, and details required to communicate the design problem, you can choose dashboard apps to report the issue and/or the change action:

  • Interference Check
  • 3D Markup

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