Company NewsAugust 6, 2020

Join the 3DEXPERIENCE Virtual Journey On Demand

The 2020 3DEXPERIENCE Virtual Journey event launched online July 29th. Register for an…
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launched online July 29th. Register for an impressive agenda featuring Dassault Systèmes executives and customer speakers including Lockheed Martin!

Be sure to register for specific breakouts including ENOVIA’s mini-plenary and track “Fueling Innovation in the New Agile Enterprise.”

ENOVIA’s Mini-Plenary and Track:

Mini-Plenary: Fueling Innovation in the New Agile Enterprise

An interactive session with Dassault Systèmes’ leadership team including:

  • Stephane DeClee ENOVIA CEO
  • Morgan Zimmerman, EXALEAD / NETVIBES CEO
  • Jason Benedict, Vice President of R&D and Acting BIOVIA CEO
  • Rekha Kamat, 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Business Development Executive

Five Collaborative Innovation Sessions Featuring 5 Customer Speakers

The Future of Work is Here… And Now

Life and work in the post COVID-19 world is different…this is a new era where #healthmatters, #everyonematters and #stayingproductivematters. Digital technologies assume a new significance in the face of new workflows where home and workplaces morph and so do professional and personal commitments. In this new emerging world, 3D Printing becomes more an integral part of the engineer’s workspace. RIZE, a next generation 3D Printing company, adapted to the new normal going into the crisis by creating a new digital operating rhythm and moving industrial 3D Printing to the engineers’ home offices. It was possible to do this safely because RIZE has the only 3D Printer in the world certified by UL for health and safety in indoor environments. This included materials which are non-toxic and will not impact anyone at home adversely. RIZE Engineers are not only able to work and be productive from their home offices with their normal engineering tasks, but also started contributing to the COVID-19 response by designing and creating new RIZE face shields for our healthcare workers, first responders and essential workers. Balancing productive work with contributions to the greater good has given a sense of purpose in difficult times and kept the team motivated. This is the future of work…

The Connected and Responsive Enterprise

The right virtual enterprise strategy will anticipate and take advantage of any disrupted environment. Most companies face some type of disruption, which is really difficult to predict: New regulations, New competitors, Pandemics… Please join this session to discover how 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Innovation and Data Science enables the Connected and Responsive Enterprise to predict, prepare, quickly adapt/react and maximize opportunities put forth by the to the unexpected and unusual

Delivering Projects On-Time & On-Budget with Collaborative Project Planning, Execution and Analytics

What’s on the to-do list today? What is urgent? What will have the most impact? Stop managing by memory and gut, and learn how to provide global teams with accurate, real-time information to keep design deliverables on track as you respond to ever-shrinking product lifecycles.

Transforming Traditional BOM Management into Model Based Engineering

Traditional BOM Management has lot of challenges and complexity. Huge sectors like aerospace having existed for many decades possess lot of legacy applications operated in silos. So the need for single point of truth across its various departments like R&D, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply chain, Service and Support becomes must for seamless data integration which further raises the complexity in the BOM management. So to have the BOM data accurately, securely & easily managed in such complex environments becomes impossible with traditional approach. To overcome this, Model Based approach like MBE using platforms like 3DEXPERIENCE will be the efficient way.

Bureau Veritas Digital collaborative tool for Conformity Assessment

In the nuclear industry, Conformity Assessment is performed under stringent regulatory requirements. Bureau Veritas has engaged a digital transformation and quite naturally developed a dedicated collaborative digital tool for conformity assessment : NC DIGITAL. Digitalisation strengthen our core business processes, improve performance and reduce project risks.

View the full agenda HERE

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