September 29, 2021

Introduction to the Project Risk Management Application

Risk management is a continuous process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk…
Avatar Anat Landau

Risk management is a continuous process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project – all in the best interests of its objectives.

Assessing and managing risks is a serious topic that should be well managed in order to avoid project catastrophes. By evaluating your plan for potential problems and developing strategies to address them, you can improve your chances of a successful project.

The R2021x FD04 release introduced a new web application (widget), called Risk Management, which is available with the Project Manager (DPM) role. It provides a new user experience to create and manage project risks in a 3DDashboard environment.

Using the Risk Management application, business users can describe risks and capture risk details, assign risks to users and track the mitigation process in a simple way.

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