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Experiences virtuellesOctober 15, 2021

DELMIA Communities Week in Review for October 11

DELMIA communities weekly updates
Avatar The DELMIA Communities Team

Hello and Welcome to the Week in Review! This is the weekly blog post for a quick overview of what happened in the DELMIA Communities this past week. However, there is a lot more than what is shown below – visit the communities to see the exchange of information and ideas between members and DELMIA experts.

With eight active communities, you are sure to find at least one to suit your DELMIA interests. We welcome you to connect with us, exchange and share on the DELMIA Communities. We look forward to seeing you there!

Global Operations Community

DCTF – CLIR Scenario Narrated Video 1/5 – Introduction

Starting from this post, I would like to share a series of narrated videos (5 in total) for the CLIR scenario. These videos include explanation and demo recordings of CLIR scenario by using live software. You can have a clear understanding how the scenario works in the demo environments.

Learn from the videos in the Community.

Planning & Optimization Community

The Art of Orchestrating Supply Chain Planning in Discrete Manufacturing

Discover how DELMIA helps discrete manufacturers tackle supply chain planning and execution with confidence to create significant business impact. Read this whitepaper to learn about: The ten main challenges faced by discrete manufacturers; The importance of end-to-end supply chain visibility and synchronization; How to increase the business value created by your supply chain.

Read more in the Community.

Manufacturing Operations Management Software Community

DELMIA Participates in Panel of Experts at EASTEC

Come and see DELMIA at Eastec as Mike Bradford, Strategic Business Development Director participates in the panel Digital Transformation for Small to Large Manufacturers: Optimizing the Factory Floor. Panelists will discuss what Smart Digital Technologies are accelerating results and outline practical solutions on how and why integrating operational technology using real-time data enables speed and agility to protect your customer and your bottom line.

Learn more in the Community.

Process Engineering Software Community

Webinar Part 1: Part Fabrication Process Engineering

This webinar goes through classical steps of Process Engineering in the Part Fabrication domain: MBOM definition, Process Definition, Characteristics management, Shop Floor Documentation, Machine Program validation and delivery while answering to some key business challenges: How to find the best industrial scenario? How to publish data to ERP and MOM for the required product configuration? How to do right first time at shop floor?

Watch the webinar in the Community.

Fabrication Community

Material deposition 5 axis positioning mode (FD06)

It is now possible to define slicing operation in 5 axis positioning mode to produce this kind of part. A new parameter is available to define the axis orientation to compute the laser path.

Watch the video in the Community.

Virtual Factory & Robotics Community

Virtual Twins Keep Aircraft Mission Ready

The B-1 Lancer has been a strategic military aircraft for the US since the 1980s. But after years of heavy use in combat, much of the fleet is retired and the remainder in service face issues around structural fatigue and part obsolescence.

Learn more in the Community.

Collaborative Lean Operations Community

3DLean for Operational Efficiency in CPGR and Home & Lifestyle Products

Teams are, arguably, the backbone of an organization. However, traditional team engagement systems are not truly collaborative, resulting in many missed opportunities for problem-solving and could lead to operational inefficiencies. Empower your teams to break free from tradition, explore innovation and make every meeting count with DELMIA 3DLean.

Watch the video in the Community.

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you next week! In the meantime, don’t forget to stay up to date with the DELMIA Communities.

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