Hello and Welcome to the Week in Review! This is the weekly blog post for a one-look overview of what happened in the DELMIA Communities this past week. But there is a lot more than what is below – visit the communities to see the exchange of information and ideas between members and DELMIA experts.
With eight active communities, you are sure to find at least one to suit your DELMIA interests. Connect with us to exchange and share on the DELMIA Communities.
See you there!
Global Operations Community
The Power of Analytics can be harvested easily
As already mentioned in my post “Is Digital Twin and its Value fully understood? ” I want to share some experiences around Analytics.Analytics is a widely used term and sometimes misunderstood.
I experience many companies asking for predictive data usage, for example on machine maintenance/learning. However, once I have visited their facilities, I need to conclude that not even the first level of data usage has been established yet. To explain the different levels, I personally like the simple, but precise representation by Gartner. It represents the different maturity levels well to understand the usage of data. Continue reading in the community.
Collaborative Lean Operations
Visual management with Kanban
“Kanban” is a Japanese word for “visual signal.” It is a lean management method that helps to visualize work, limit work in progress, and ensure a smooth flow of work in any enterprise. With Kanban, you can analyze and continuously improve any process to increase business efficiency.
Continue reading and share your thoughts in the community.
Learn More About Ergonomic Workplace Designer
You may have heard about DELMIA’s Ergonomic Workplace Designer. But did you know that it can help to empower manufacturing engineers to make key decisions in order to design safe and efficient workplaces? In addition, you’ll find these key benefits:
- One-click probable manikin posturing with the Smart Posturing engine technology
- Create better visibility for opportunities to improve safety, productivity and efficiency.
Continue to the community to read the rest of the key benefits.
Virtual Factory & Robotics
Create and Simulate Machining Operations with a Robot
This video in the post demonstrates how you can create and simulate machining operations with a robot as opposed to a milling machine. The machining operations were created in the DELMIA Multi-Axis Machining app. For a robot with a robot controller, you can use an OOTB DELMIA robot translator to download a robot program.
Also, take a look at this post in the DELMIA Fabrication community and the Virtual Factory & Robotics community.
Improvement for Feed & Speed
It is now (since 21x FD04) possible to define Approach and Retract Federate on tool/NC Assembly definition.
For me it was missing and now it is easier to manage all cutting conditions!
Visit the community to see the details.
Planning & Optimization Community
DELMIA Quintiq Thin Client Tips
There are certain tricks and shortcuts that people will use when navigating around the DELMIA Quintiq thin client user interface. Many of these become second nature after using the software for a while, but some are easily overlooked if you don’t know to look for them.
Below are a few of the common tips and tricks…. Continue reading on the community.
Manufacturing Operations Management
Production Order Creation – Derived from the MBOM or the Process Plan?
This post is soliciting the opinion of ERP experts, to answer my question “When are production orders derived from the MBOM versus a collection of process plans?”
Production Order Definition
A production order represents the manufacturing work to produce / assemble / manufacture, a product. At the risk of stating the obvious, a key element of a production order is therefore the product being manufactured.
A production order has a routing, also known as a process plan. This is the collection of work (operations, steps, required tools, required labor skills, required tests and data collects, work instructions, etc.) that needs to be performed in order to manufacture the product.
Continue reaching and share your opinion on the community.
Thanks for reading. See you next week! In the meantime, don’t forget to keep up to date with the DELMIA Communities