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Experiences virtuellesSeptember 3, 2021

DELMIA Communities Week in Review for August 30

Hello and Welcome to the Week in Review! This is the weekly blog post…
Avatar The DELMIA Communities Team

Hello and Welcome to the Week in Review! This is the weekly blog post for a one-look overview of what happened in the DELMIA Communities this past week. But there is a lot more than what is below. Visit the communities to see the exchange of information and ideas between members and DELMIA experts.

With eight active communities, you are sure to find at least one to suit your DELMIA interests. Connect with us to exchange and share on the DELMIA Communities.

See you there!

Collaborative Lean Operations

What is TAKT Time?Takt time paces production in a way that aligns it with customer demand. It is an important concept in lean manufacturing because it balances the importance of meeting customer demand with the importance of minimizing work-in-process and inventory.

Read more in the Community.

Global Operations Community

Article – Five ways to better manage supply chain disruption

Practical insights that will help in case of future supply chain crises.

Read the article in the Community.

Planning & Optimization Community

Find New and Enhanced Ortems Functional FeaturesLooking for what’s new in Ortems applications that comes with the software fixes? You will find the topic lists direct in the application help file after each fix installation.

Learn more in the Community.

Fabrication Community

How to create a 3D milling machine with two tool change positions?Since the 3DEXPERIENCE R2017x, it is possible to create several tool change positions on the 3D machine (and to simulate). Learn how in the Community

Manufacturing Operations Management Software

The Rise of Digital Transformation in Inventory Management

Make the shift now towards a fully digital inventory management system. Choose to watch the full video podcast or read the transcript of Mike’s insights on how you can achieve efficiency, cut product costs and increase collaboration across your supply chain.

Learn more in the Community.

Process Engineering Software Community

Process Planning for Suppliers – Transportation and MobilitySuppliers in the transportation and mobility industry are facing huge challenges to handle an ever increasing number of product and variants from different OEMs. Ambitions include deploying global best practices, increasing planning transparency to avoid contract penalties and managing product complexity from multiple OEMs.

Watch the video in the Community.

Virtual Factory & Robotics

New Sensors Add Intelligence to Workcell Simulation

In release R2021xFD06, new 1D, 2D, and 3D Sensors add intelligence to the simulated workcell by identifying proximity and interference of objects or people. Each Sensor can be configured for size, distance of sensing area and location.

Learn more in the Community.

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you next week! In the meantime, don’t forget to stay up to date with the DELMIA Communities.

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