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  4. [WEBINAR Replay] Master complexity with CATIA Electrical/Electronic Architecture solutions

June 23, 2019

[WEBINAR Replay] Master complexity with CATIA Electrical/Electronic Architecture solutions

The transportation and systems that we use have never been more complex,…
Avatar Yves Barbier

The transportation and systems that we use have never been more complex, especially aircraft. For system architects and electrical engineers, disconnected applications make it painful to synchronize the E/E Architecture and Schematic design with the system architecture. How to master this complexity and also meet the demand for variants?

On July 10th, at 9:30AM – Paris time, the tenth webinar of our CATIA TV program was broadcasted here. The webinar “Master complexity of Aircraft Avionics Architecture with a unified Electrical, Electronic and Software approach” will be a special moment to listen to our Dassault Systèmes experts: @Denis LAROUDIE and @Maxime MONIER.

Watch the replay

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