Company NewsNovember 24, 2020

Eurocentral 3DXCONFERENCE | Additive Manufacturing

I am pleased to invite you to hear my presentation on the…
Avatar Yves Barbier

I am pleased to invite you to hear my presentation on the Eurocentral 3DEXPERIENCE Virtual Conference, on November 26-27th.

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My presentation:

Additive Manufacturing is an amazing new technology which allow to manufacture very complex shape. However, this “freedom” has a cost as this technology is incredibly complex and difficult to master without the appropriate tools.

Discovers the end-to-end integrated solution proposed by Dassault Systèmes to solve this challenge, starting from designing components suitable for Additive Manufacturing; increasing build success with optimized part orientation and support structures; predict build failure, part quality and performance with validated simulation methods up to distortion compensation and part finishing.

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