Stephane DUBUR, from TWIN GROUP, Gray HOLLAND from UX FLO and Cedric CHIALE from DASSAULT AVIATION, as well as Damien GERARDEAUX & @Aude MASSONI respectively from CATIA R&D and CATIA User Experience created a revolutionary concept design inspired by nature that won the best beauty and quality experience!
See above the complete team that has used CATIA Creative & Generative Design Solutions to concretize the creation!
This Hackathon was a great opportunity to use our solutions for concept design in a new context: a short deadline to imagine and give life to an innovative concept for urban mobility. It was a unique chance to connect and share good moment through this challenging contest with our customers, coming from various countries.
In our Team D, we created a shareable capsule connected on a new air railway network in the city that allows to reduce traffic and pollution on the ground. We didn’t only imagine the capsule, but also how this new network will connect stations and central station together, on the ground and up in the air. We were inspired by how nature find solutions to elevate, like mushroom, flowers and plants growing on trees to get more light. The seed dispersal was also a concept we wanted to explore.