September 1, 2020

CATIA Talk | MODSIM – Conceptual modeling of a modular platform for eV

450 new Electric Vehicle Models are expected to be launched by 2022!…
Avatar Yves Barbier

450 new Electric Vehicle Models are expected to be launched by 2022!

This would necessitate a tremendous amount of effort and cost from OEM’s and Innovative Startup’s to convert their current ideas to vehicle programs, in very short time frame.

Leveraging a Modular Platform/Skateboard, has potential to consolidate the effort and cost, to develop these vehicle programs.

Developing a modular skateboard requires, all variants & configuration to be developed and validated concurrently from the concept phase itself.

CATIA SFE CONCEPT, with its implicitly parametric geometry and modular library, has the right tools to kick-start such a development.

EV CONCEPT FEM  MODSIM SFE Concept ​​​​​​​SFE ​​​​​​​CATIA Talk ​​​​​​​

To learn more, come join us for a CATIA Talk, by Martin Dreau

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