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  4. [CATIA Design Talk REPLAY] Train Concept Design at the University of Applied Science Hamburg – A students talk

Design & SimulationJuly 17, 2021

[CATIA Design Talk REPLAY] Train Concept Design at the University of Applied Science Hamburg – A students talk

In our latest talk, we discussed the train concept design in the master…
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In our latest talk, we discussed the train concept design in the master course for Digital Reality from the University of Applied Science in Hamburg. My guests were Prof. Dr. Jan Neuhoefer (teacher), Felix Rockel, creative designer and our expert for VR, Visualization, Sub-D & generative modelling. And also three of Prof. Neuhoefer’s students, Yvette Chen, Lea Doppertin and Tobias Korzyzkowske.

The focus of the discussion will be how they managed to work completely from home during the COVID 19 pandemic and what are their takeaways of using the xApps to design their trains. Prof. Jan Neuhoefer gave us his views on the course, why he thinks, it was a great success.

If you want to know more about the university and the master course, please visit their website.

If you have any questions about the 3DShape Designer Role or the xApps, please feel free to ask your question here or directly to @Felix ROCKEL.

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