Register for the first episode in our MODSIM Series.
Computer-aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) technology evolved separately over decades. Because of legacy processes, design and simulation continue to be employed sequentially as discrete tasks. Isn’t it time to fully leverage simulation?
Remove inefficient handoffs that occur too late in design between designers and simulation experts. Specialized simulation tools don’t support integrated design and simulation.
Integrated design and simulation, also known as ‘MODSIM’, provides design and analysis engineers the advantage of experiencing their design. MODSIM integrates complete CATIA and SIMULIA technologies together on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to provide a common user interface and data model for modeling and simulation.
By applying simulation to the earliest phase of design it’s possible to accurately predict, compare and simulate multiple product behaviors. Insight into product performance is essential to delivering high-quality products that meet requirements. And, MODSIM shortens product development cycles by minimizing extensive physical prototyping and testing.
In this episode, we cover multiple examples where we have successfully employed MODSIM to drive faster innovation.