In order to prepare for a successful workforce of the future, employees, employers, academia and governments together need to create innovative ways to anticipate and expand opportunities to workers to access training and look beyond the traditional university degree program.
The recent PwC report entitled – competing forces shaping 2030 – states that we are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work. “Automation and ‘thinking machines’ are replacing human tasks, changing the skills that organizations are looking for in their people.”
But what will the future of work look like?
Our own executive vice president, Florence Verzelen, recently completed a video where she identified six key areas of focus that can lead to successful workforce development.
In addition, the recent issue of Compass magazine dives into this topic in detail in an article called “Future-Ready Workers.” The article explores topics including:
- Anticipating needs – as technology rapidly progresses, companies need to have workers with high-level skills and competencies based around leadership, innovation, problem solving and creativity
- Developing the right skills – employees should look at roles from different angles, including technology, geography and industry sectors, and develop jobs focused in these areas that employees can grow into
- Fostering diversity – by creating teams comprised of individuals with different backgrounds, talent and experience, the result is broader answers to problems, and that leads to more diversity.
Want to learn about all six steps? Click here to discover the full story in Compass.