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Company NewsApril 1, 2022

Dassault Systèmes Volunteer Spotlight – Scott Menzies: Motivating volunteers by empowering them to grow

  Dassault Systèmes’ shared value of “IF WE BRING OUR COMMUNITY TOGETHER”…
Avatar Lee Hao Wei

Dassault Systèmes’ shared value of “IF WE BRING OUR COMMUNITY TOGETHER” celebrates not only the cohesion of our employees across Asia Pacific South, but also cohesion with our communities. For this reason, Dassault Systèmes actively encourages employees to share their diverse skills and experiences to give back to the community.

With Volunteer Recognition Day is coming up on April 20, 2022, we take this opportunity to honour Dassault Systèmes employees in Asia Pacific South who dedicate their time to help others in a selfless way.

In the first part of our Dassault Systèmes Volunteers series, meet Scott Menzies, Industry Process Consultant from our Brisbane office, who actively volunteers with the Scout Association of Australia, which operates personal development programs for children and young adults from 5 to 25 years of age in Australia and Australian territories. Learn what inspired him to volunteer and his advice on those looking to undertake volunteer work.

1. How did you get involved in the Scouts Movement?

I have been a uniformed leader for about 8 years. I have fulfilled a number of roles leading different age groups, and now as Group Leader, I am responsible for the team of 20 leaders, 20 parent helpers and by extension 60 youth members, as well as our meeting hall and grounds.

The Scout Association provides a fantastic range of personal development activities and experiences for children and youths in Australia, through which they develop a wide array of life skills and interpersonal connections. Whilst volunteering and training youth members, I benefit from continuous learning of learn new life skills, from people management to sea kayaking. Volunteering also provides a meaningful purpose to my life, positive relationships and a sense of achievement.

2. Why did you choose to volunteer with the Scout Association?

I was a Scout as a child and grew up through the Association. For all the time, effort and experience my Scout leaders invested in me, I feel it is my duty to give back to the next generation.

Growing up, most of my friends where all Scouts. I have developed great long-term connections with these friends which have lasted to this day. My father has been a Scout leader for 25 years, since I was a child, and continues to provide valuable lessons to myself and our group. My nephew just joined this year, and his younger brother cannot wait to turn five and become a Scout as well!

3. What inspires you to volunteer as a Scout Leader?

Everyone has his or her own unique life journey to experience and learn from. We provide a safe and controlled environment for children and youths to learn from every failure and obstacle and be strong enough to persevere. The cumulative output of our group is the sum of all our members working together to contribute their skills towards enriching the lives of our community. A few clichés like ‘90% preparation and 10% execution’ or ‘you only get out what you put in’ are reinforced in learnings during Scout activities.

4. What’s your advice to people looking to undertake volunteer work?

Successful volunteering should rely on a person’s feeling of duty, rather than the demands or expectations of others. You need to be passionate about your volunteer project in order to put in the effort required to succeed. Motivating volunteers can be enhanced by empowering them to grow, encouraging them to find their ‘language’ and giving them the space to achieve their goals.

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