Imagine microprocessor chips smaller than the nail on your pinky finger. Each chip contains vast amounts of data with the ability to facilitate everything from the secure credit card in your wallet to your evening commute. You don’t have to imagine – this technological revolution is happening right now, thanks in large part to NXP semiconductors.
Chris Collins, Senior VP of Product and Technology Enablement at NXP recently spoke at the 2019 3DEXPERIENCE Forum about everything from secure connectivity to the expanded reach of IoT made possible by implementing Dassault Systèmes ENOVIA application on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
“We looked at Dassault Systèmes to help us in our vision of total quality and sustainability, you’ll see over 40 billion plus intelligent devices shipped in 2020. If you’re going to connect 40 billion plus devices in a supply chain then you do need total quality and you need to share data- so that’s really the digital transformation for us.”
Companies such as NXP are rapidly evolving and adding new technology, new teams, and new design processes. Chris stressed the importance of trusted partnerships as NXP looks to the future,“thanks to Bernard’s (Dassault Systèmes Vice Chairman and CEO Bernard Charlès) culture he’s instituted a really thoughtful, energetic, innovative team that could recognize the vision behind what could be done in semiconductor one day.”
NXP utilizes ENOVIA for their supply chain, manufacturing processes, and R&D. ENOVIA enables NXP to have full end-to-end traceability and allows a single reference point for the many stakeholders involved at different stages in the process.
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows for collaborative real-time data sharing around the world. Chris explained,
“especially in semiconductor, it’s a lot of cobbling together of previous companies. As we’ve been able to acquire companies and we have acquired several small, little companies – they can just walk right into this system and start doing design even with their previous IP. So all of NXP’s IP is loaded into this system.”
Watch the video to learn more about how NXP scales digital transformation in payment, transit, access, and identification using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.