A function within the Structural Suite of Surpac allows for the extraction of gradient information from a dtm surface.
The function drops a grid of points at user specified separation, over the surface. At each of these points, the dip and dip direction of the grid square is calculated and this information recorded. This means that surface slope data can be analysed and used to help with decision making on critical issues like safety protocols, ramp placement, or berm creation.
Additionally, it would be possible to make a comparison between datasets produced as a result of separate surveys taken over time for stability issues. The function will output either a .csv or .str file. The user can then chose to display the string file, or import the csv to a drillhole database for more display options using other Structural Suite functionality.
This blog post shows the steps needed for the database option.
Display your dtm file in the graphics window and from the menu select Database>Structural Suite>Generate dtm gradient data.
Select the trisolation by clicking on it in the graphics window.
In the form that appears, select the grid spacing you wish to use. This can be visualised to aid in selection.
Select the output file type – in this case we will select .csv and specify the filename to be used. It is advisable to check the box to include column headers.