March 7, 2022

6 Questions Construction Companies Must Ask

Construction projects today are bigger and more complex than they have ever been.
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The construction industry, a significant contributor to the global economy, is marked by a variety of sectors, including non-residential and heavy industrial. With a high turnover rate and a market size reaching trillions, it’s an industry that sees constant growth and change. However, it’s also an industry fraught with challenges and hazards. As such, companies must ask critical questions to ensure safety, efficiency, and profitability. This article explores six key questions that every construction company should consider.

Construction projects today are bigger and more complex than they have ever been. With each project requiring such large capital, construction companies face tremendous pressure to keep operation costs within budget and minimize disruptions so projects can be completed on time. However, cost and time overruns are extremely common in the construction industry, making it difficult for any construction company to achieve their business goals. The need for worksite safety as well as sustainability compliance also adds to the complexity of planning new construction projects.

1. What is The Communication Chain of Command?

The communication chain of command is a structured process used in the construction industry to ensure that information is shared effectively and efficiently among project stakeholders. It is crucial for the smooth functioning of a construction project. Establishing a clear chain of command for communication not only enhances understanding but also creates accountability, ensuring that information reaches the right people in a timely manner. It’s not limited to verbal or face-to-face interactions and involves daily reports, change orders, videos, photos, and requests for information (RFIs).
It’s important to choose methods and tools that are efficient and suited to the specific needs of the project and team.

2. How to Ensure Safety of my Construction Workers?

Ensuring the safety of construction workers is a multifaceted task that requires careful planning, ongoing management and continuous training. The culture of safety is built through educating your workers on such topics as:

  • Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Safe operation of machinery and tools
  • Awareness and management of onsite hazards

Regular safety audits and inspections should be conducted to identify potential risks and ensure compliance with safety protocols. Quality inspections can become much easier with the use of quality inspection software. Quality inspections software like DELMIA is a powerful tool that brings numerous benefits to the construction industry. The most evident advantage is digitization: the traditional method of inspections involves a ton of paperwork, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Quality inspections software digitizes the process, storing all inspection details in one place, reducing time spent on administrative tasks and increasing accuracy.

Construction site overseeing multiple construction workers building skyscrapers.

3. How to Enable Sustainable Construction?

Enabling sustainable construction requires a combination of innovative practices, efficient use of resources, and commitment to environmental responsibility. One of the most straightforward ways of doing so is through technology and innovation. Utilizing advanced technologies like 3D printing, prefabrication and modular construction can significantly reduce waste, lower labor costs and shorten project timelines. You can also strive for making your construction projects more energy efficient. This can be achieved by incorporating renewable energy sources and energy-efficient materials in the construction process. Last but not least, you could help your business and your planet a lot by conserving water. This can be achieved by implementing efficient fixtures and systems to minimize water usage.
Remember, sustainable construction not only benefits the environment but can also result in cost savings in the long run.

4. How to Standardize The Building Codes?

Standardizing your building codes involves a three-step process:

  • Understating: Get familiar with the building codes applicable to your jurisdiction. You can find this information from local government resources or institutes like the National Institute of Standards.
  • Adoption: Integrate these standards into your company’s construction practices, ensuring all projects align with the regulations.
  • Implementation: Train your team on these codes and ensure they’re consistently upheld. Regular audits, inspections, and updating these codes as they evolve are crucial parts of this step.

Standardization in construction is not just about compliance – it also improves communication, reduces errors, and enhances scalability.

5. Are You Embracing The Industrialization?

The industrialization of construction is an evolving trend aimed at bringing efficiency, safety, and sustainability to the construction industry. The proven benefits of industrialization are increased productivity, safety and enhanced sustainability. By automating and streamlining construction processes, industrialization allows for faster project completion and higher-quality output. In the context of labor shortages in many developed countries, industrialization can also help address this issue by reducing the dependency on manual labor.

The effects of industrialization in construction are far-reaching, influencing how companies design, manufacture, build, operate, and manage. As such, understanding the principles and potential of industrialization is crucial for construction companies looking to stay competitive and future-proof their operations.

6. Is Your Company Using New Materials?

In the quest for more sustainable and efficient building, the construction industry is exploring a variety of new materials. These range from those that offer superior strength and durability to those that are environmentally friendly. Among these materials are hemp and bamboo – using these plant materials reinforces concrete in a low-carbon way. A couple of other examples include allusion panels for unique interior finishes, hydro ceramics for absorbing and releasing heat, and self-healing concrete. These new materials are paving the way for a more sustainable and innovative future in the construction industry.

Got inspired? See DELMIA solutions for construction & architecture.

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